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Thursday, April 17, 2008


Thursday, 7:30 AM. 39 degrees, wind NW, light. The barometer is up, predicting sunny weather. Skies are blue with some haze.
It is a fine morning, quiet except for birdsong. The folks are beginning to rake lawns and garden beds, sometimes around remaining mounds of ice and snow. The desire to rake winter away for good is obvious.
I have an 8:30 AM Bayfield in Bloom committee meeting to wrap things up for the big event on May 16, only a month away. Our daffodils in the parks, boulevards and yards are in bud now, and in a week or ten days the whole community will be splashed with yellow. The Camber of Commerce has been the driving force behind the daffodil effort, and has provided tens of thousands for the city. Daffodils are pedestrian plants perhaps, but are colorful, fragrant and dependable, tough and deer-proof. They may not be the latest thing, but are a huge success.
Most of today I will devote to getting the gardens in shape and eventually the lawns. There is still a mountain of snow in the herb garden, off the north deck.
We have had a female redpoll at the feeder for several days, a pretty little bird that is quite tame.
I keep thinking that if we get out early enough for our morning walk we will see bears in Bayfield. It is that time.

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