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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Tuesday,8:00 AM.  70.5 degrees, wind WSW, calm.  The sky is partly cloudy and a bit hazy.  The humidity is up some and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
    As most of my blog readers may know, the Northland is heavily populated with folks of Scandinavian heritage, and Sven and Oly  jokes are very much part of the culture.  I thought with all the recent news about roads and culverts and bridges  the following, which I just heard, would be appropriate to repeat.
    Sven is the pastor at the Swedish Covenant Church, and Oly the pastor at the Norwegian Lutheran Church, directly across the road.  One Saturday morning they are out on the road, putting up a huge sign, which reads, “Sinner, you are going down the road to destruction.  Turn yourself arount now, before it iss too late!” 
    Just then a car speeds past, an occupant rolls down the window and yells, “You Scandihoovian religious nuts know what you can do with your sign!”
    As the car careens down the road there is the screech of tires and a big crash.
    Oly says, “Ja, Sven, dat iss da tird von dis morning!”
    To which Sven replies, “Ja, you betcha, Oly! But you tink maybe da sign auta yust say, “Bridge Out?”

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