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Friday, February 10, 2012

2/12/12 UNSAFE ICE

        Yesterday evening was clear and cold, 10 degrees F. at 10:00 PM. The channel between Bayfield and Madeline Island is now completely free of ice, which was blown out by strong winds in he last two days.
        Commentary: the President has proposed a compromise on the issue of Catholic institutions being forced to provide health care for employees that includes birth control and an abortion pill.  He claims that the insurance companies will pay for the coverage.  First, I have never heard of any private company willingly giving any product or service away.  The insurance companies are in business to make a profit, and will certainly pass those costs on to their other customers, i.e., you and I.  And it will be a vastly inflated price, you can be sure of that; what was once very affordable even without insurance will become outrageously expensive, with or without it, and will hit the uninsured the hardest.  Then the government will be obliged to provide free contraception to virtually everyone, another big government hand out.
        Secondly, and most importantly, the President fails to  recognize that this is a matter of conscience, and a constitutional issue under the First Amendment. Regardless of whether the Catholic institutions involved have to pay for it or not, they are still being forced to provide services their faith sees as a mortal sin.
        I am not Catholic and have no personal issue with birth control.  I do, however, feel very strongly about the issue of abortion, and frankly do not want my tax dollars to pay for the killing of the unborn.  I suspect there are a lot of non-Catholics in America who feel  the same way.  President Obama remains on very unsafe ice.
        No blogs for a couple of days as we are going to Langlade Wisconsin to visit with old friends.  We will report on weather and the outdoors there and back.

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