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Thursday, March 29, 2012



Thursday, 7:30 AM.  35 degrees F and rising. Wind NNE, calm.  It is mostly overcast and the barometer predicts about the same.
        We held the second Bayfield in Bloom committee meeting of the year yesterday morning, and we are on target for our Bayfield in Bloom kickoff program on Friday, May 11th.  It will be the tenth anniversary of Larry Meilor’s Garden Talk radio show being held at the Pavilion in Bayfield.  It has always been a very successful spring event and we look forward to participating in it again. If, however, you wish to see the spring daffodil display you must visit well before then.  They are just beginning to form flower buds so it will be about two weeks until their peak.  Watch the Chamber web site for the best weekend to view them.  Forsythia bushes are in full bloom now.
        The Supreme Court Justices gave the Obama Administration lawyers a tough time yesterday as they presented the case for Obamacare.  I prefer to call the bill Draculacare, as it will suck he lifeblood from the economy if not struck down.  And, like Dracula, it must not only be killed, but a stake driven through its heart so it can never rise from its crypt to threaten the Republic again.

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