Sunday, 8:45 AM. 47 degrees F, wind NE, light with stronger gusts. The sky is overcast, and we had rain again last night, at times torrential. The roadside ditches are rushing like mini-mountain streams. All this rain should bring the lakes, including Superior, up considerably. The Daily Press reported yesterday t hat Mountain Road, near Cornucopia,susained $250,000 worth of storm damage. It is a gravel road, hard to imagine it is worth that much in its entirety; may have to go and take a look. The barometer predicts more rain.
The ‘Fort McNair’ hybrid buckeyes along 6th st. coming into town are in bloom and are a fine sight, as is the hybrid English hawthorn, ‘Paul’s Scarlet,’ in the park on the corner. The latter is not much available anymore because of its susceptibility to fire blight, but this one seems to be unaffected.
There are several other nice hawthorns in bloom along 4th St. just north of Rittenhouse Ave. Hawthorns are rather hard to use as street or specimen trees because they are wide-spreading and densely branched, but they can be very effective in the landscape, blooming just after flowering crabapples and Lilacs.
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