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Friday, July 13, 2012





Friday, 8:00 AM.  71 degrees F, wind calm at ground level, the sky is overcast with high, dark, virtually motionless clouds.  The humidity is 75% and the barometer predicts rain.  We need rain rather badly, but rain would impede  progress on a grading and seeding job I am involved in.  In life one often has to be satisfied with what one can get, when one can get it.
    The common mullein, Verbascum thaspus, in the family Scrophulariaceae, is a common biennial field weed of Old World origin. The English call it "candles," which is a very descriptive common name. It is tall, even majestic, and can be very beautiful, some varieties looking for all the world like bright yellow candelabras.  It can be a spectacular sight when they take over entire abandoned fields.  The leaves have long been used as a poultice for cuts and infections, and I always let one or two grow in the garden for beauty and utility. 
    Fast forward a few years from now, after the United States Senate approves the UN sponsored Arms Trade Treaty.  You are changing planes in a foreign country, perhaps in Europe, or South America, and as you are walking from one concourse to another you are accosted by heavily armed police, guns drawn, speaking in a language you do not understand. 
    You are arrested and jailed, without counsel, as an international criminal.  Your transgression?  You own a legally purchased, duly registered semi-automatic hunting rifle that is locked in your basement storeroom  back home in the States.  You violated no United States federal or state law, and your hunting rifle was, you thought,  perfectly legal at home.  But, it is outlawed internationally by a treaty signed by the President of the United States and duly approved by  the Senate. 
    How do these arresting authorities know that you own this gun that the United Nations has deemed illegal?  They  have access, via the treaty, to all the computerized gun ownership records of private citizens kept by the United States government. 
    Upon your arrest you protest that you are being prosecuted in violation of your Second Amendment rights under the United States Constitution.  The reply, in broken English is, “The United Nations and International Law have no such amendment, nor any so-called Bill of Rights. No, we do not have to even tell you why you are being arrested, or that any statements you make may be held against you.  You have no right to call your lawyer at this time… perhaps later, but who knows, as you have no rights of what you so quaintly call habeus corpus. Also, under our law you are considered guilty until you can prove your innocence.  We are so very sorry the handcuffs are too tight, perhaps we can loosen them after you answer a few questions."
    Does this scenario seem far fetched?  Think again, because this is exactly why the National Rifle Association and many others who are concerned about government confiscation and control of the guns of private citizens have been fighting this treaty.  It is nothing more than a clandestine attack on our classic American right to keep and bear arms, and is supported by tin-pot dictators, leftists and communists world-wide, including many anti-gun elements in our own country who know that the only way they can disarm the American public is through stealth and lies.  Don’t let them accomplish their goal!  Tell your Senators to vote down this outrageous treaty, and fire the President who signs it! 
    If you don’t own a firearm, I urge you to go out and buy one (I might add, “While you still can.”).  Use your Second Amendment rights, or lose them. America can never fall to a dictator of either the right or the left, as long as free people maintain their sacred right to keep and bear arms; but the hope of the enemies of freedom and their misguided, bleeding heart supporters is that they can chip away at the Constitution until it is nothing but dust to be swept under the suffocating rug of United Nations repression.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes... mullein... the fuzzy-leaved weed that caused much consternation among your children many years ago... "Dad has a leaf taped on his forehead again..."
