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Friday, August 3, 2012





Friday, 7:30 AM.  70 degrees F, wind W, light.  The sky is mostly overcast with high, thin gray clouds.  The humidity is 88% and the barometer is rising.  I have gotten most of my painting and staining done and things cleaned up and put away so it can rain tomorrow if it likes.
    Highbush cranberry, Viburnum trilobum, in the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae) and not a cranberry at all, is a tall growing, spreading shrub native to southern Canada and the northern US. The species name refers to its three lobed, maple-like leaves.  It is very beautiful in flower, fruit and fall leaf color.  The only hazard in its use in the landscape is its size, but there are smaller varieties that have been developed and are available. For best  flower, fruit and fall color it should be planted in full sun, although it will tolerate a good degree of shade. Its fruit is much used for jams and jellies but is too sour to eat raw.  Indian tribes made some use of concoctions of the inner bark to reduce fevers and as a gynecological aid, and for some other ailments.
    I have been much concerned about the rumored charges that Romney is not  releasing his prior tax returns because he paid no taxes for some years.  I have thought that could be very damaging to his campaign; however, if he owed no taxes because of business losses it would be perfectly legal and legitimate.  Really, has anyone ever heard of anybody who has ever paid taxes that they didn’t owe?  How about the one half of all Americans  that pay no federal income tax at all?  This whole controversy is a smear campaign meant to distract voters from the horrible state of the economy.  How about adding up all the taxes that the Romneys have paid and comparing them to all the taxes the Obamas have paid?  For good measure, add up and compare their charitable donations. I am confidant the Romneys will be the greater producers and givers of wealth, and the greater contributers to society, by far.

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