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Friday, December 14, 2012


Friday, 8:45 AM.  25 degrees F, wind presently calm . The humidity is 90% and the barometer is holding steady at 30.21. The sky  is again completely overcast and the sun nowhere to be seen.  The sky was dark at sunrise, and the waters of the channel even darker.
        Buddy did not eat his dog food yesterday.  He accepted treats, so I ruled out any kind of ailment.  Then this morning I found the cause of his lack of appetite, in the shape of an empty  rabbit skin that he was tossing around. The rascal had caught and eaten a rabbit.
        Now that is a considerable sin for a bird dog, but I feel I have to cut him some slack since he survived on his own in the forest for some time before we got him, and catching rabbits was obviously a necessary evil.  Besides, it does no good to reprimand a dog after the fact,  he would not understand my actions. But he will have to learn to walk the straight and narrow path, or in his case to madly run down it.
        So, Buddy, go and sin no more, but the next time you succumb to temptation, you will have to pay for your transgressions, like the rest of us poor sinners.

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