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Saturday, January 19, 2013


    Saturday, 9:00 AM.  20 degrees F, wind SW, calm to light.  The humidity is 90%, the barometer steady at 29.71 in.  It has stopped snowing, and we have gotten about a foot since it started.  Slow and steady, but pretty significant, and  I am energized from all the exercise. 
    The evergreens are heavily laden with snow, which they will start to shed as soon as it warms up a bit more, posing the threat of snow down the back of one’s neck should you walk beneath them.  The channel is frozen and covered with snow except for a band of open water midway between the mainland and Madeline Island, but it is fragile and I doubt  it will last.
    We drove to Washburn yesterday evening on lonely, slippery roads but the walleyed pike at The Steak Pit was worth the trip.  Maybe they should change the name to The Fishing Hole.  The scenery on the way back, walls of ghostly white trees appearing and disappearing in the falling snow and dancing headlights, made the trip even more worthwhile.
    Things become ever more confusing these days, viz :  Why did Lance Armstrong, a hero athlete, lie like a weasel about doping for decades and then confess to, of all people,  Oprah?  How did Heisman Trophy candidate Monti Te’o get duped into, or become complicit in, a fantastically stupid ruse about a nonexistent dead girlfriend? Why did Notre Dame University become involved in such nonsense?  How did Barack Obama get into Harvard and then go on to be elected president? Life is full of mysteries.

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