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Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 28

1/28/08: Monday, 8:00 AM. 26, barometer predicts rain or snow. Wind SW, calm to slight. Skies overcast with high gray clouds.
We are supposed to get another arctic blast, starting tonight. I haven’t seen the big wind sled, maybe it won’t be used this year. I have not ridden a wind sled, but an acquaintance described it “like being in a small plane, going across a bumpy runway,,. but it never takes off.” Maybe it would be a nice little adventure.
I made waffles and bacon for breakfast. The waffles were out of a box and nothing special. The maple syrup was from the Larsen’s sugar bush, and I poured memories from the bottle as well as maple syrup.
Almost everything tastes better if it evokes pleasant memories, in this case trudging through deep snow to tap trees and carry buckets of sap. Memories of drinking tea laced with hot sap from the evaporator, and the smell of hardwood smoke, and the repartee among old friends.
Cooking venison does the same for me…memories of spending time with an old friend, and the anticipation and excitement of the hunt.

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