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Monday, January 28, 2008

January 4

1/04/08: 11:00 AM. Temp 26 degrees, wind calm, barometer down, skies overcast. Much like yesterday but without sunshine. Did some snow shoeing at their place yesterday. Snow is at least 2 feet deep, but melting some now. There are patches of ice on the channel but it will be a while until it freezes over. There is ice on the Bay from Washburn south, but it looks treacherous to me. There are a few ice shanties and tents out on the ice in Ashland but didn’t notice any vehicles on the ice. Later: went snow shoeing at the beach late afternoon, two guys were fishing, wading in the surf-mighty cold for that. They said they had caught some browns and small salmon, but I saw none.

Have never seen fishermen in the water at this time before. No thanks.

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