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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 5

2/05/08, Tuesday, 9:00 AM. 22 degrees, barometer predicts partly cloudy skies. Wind ESE, calm. Skies are clear but becoming cloudy. I would describe this as a silver morning. A dusting of stick snow has frosted everything. The rising sun and its reflections are silver. The clouds are tinged silver.
The woods were quiet, no new tracks except one small canine. A squirrel came down out of its nest in a large hemlock but went right back up, according to its tracks. Unless pushed by real hunger or the prospect of an easy meal, animals don’t leave home much in he winter, proving that their intelligence is probably superior to our own. Lucky stuck his nose in a few cold tracks but soon gave up. The ice road is still closed, maybe because there are large pressure ridges on the channel.

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