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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 8

2/08/08: Friday, 9:00 AM. 8 degrees, barometer predicts snow. Skies overcast, no sun. Some fog on the channel. Wind SSE, light. A quiet morning.
The ice road is still officially closed, with “unsafe” signs posted, but traffic of all kinds, cars and pickups, were using it yesterday. I see no traffic this morning. One would assume the ice would be safe by now, but it I tested and signs are put up for a reason. The channel is several miles wide, there are strong currents, ad it has depths of 100 and more feet. Vehicles are lost out there every year, sometimes tragically, so one should take the warnings seriously.
There won’t be a posting for a while as Joan, myself and Lucky are traveling to Texas to see a new grandchild. It will still be winter here when we get back.

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