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Monday, May 12, 2008


Monday, 7:30 AM. 33 degrees, wind SSE, calm. The channel is calm. The barometer is down, predicting partly cloudy skies, which are currently mostly blue with some wispy white clouds. We were awakened at 5:30 AM by the fluttering and bumping of our territorial robin, who has now opened a second front in his war against rivals, attacking the patio door to the bedroom from the front deck as well as the bedroom window. He attacks one or the other, then retires to contemplate his actions, sitting on the ridge pole of the front yard swing. He is obviously highly frustrated but I am bereft of any counsel to give him, as I have at times attacked equally imaginary threats with equal vigor and frustration. Psychologist, psychologize thyself!
I made the hummingbird feeder solution last night, and hung the feeder out this morning. One and one-half cups of sugar to one quart of water, don’t cut back on the sugar or they won’t drink it; bring to a boil and let cool. We should see one of the advance scouts any day now.
There is a striking male rose breasted grosbeak at the feeder, the first I have seen in a long while, resplendent with his black wings and head, and white breast splashed with red just below the chin. Wow! What a fancy character! And, just now, an equally handsome evening grosbeak!

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