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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Tuesday, 7:00 AM. 43 degrees, wind SW, moderate with stronger gusts. The channel is “bumpy.” The barometer is up, predicting partly cloudy skies, which are now blue with some white clouds moving fast from the west.
I glimpsed a few warblers this morning but won’t venture any identification. It looks like we have a wren setting up housekeeping in our back porch birdhouse. It seems like a nice day but probably will be rough on the lake.
I am putting wood chip mulch on various garden areas and around trees and shrubs. It is locally chipped from trimmed trees and I am not worried about insect pests or diseases. I have more than I can use and have told neighbors to help themselves. Mulch is beneficial in keeping weeds under control and conserving moisture, but can’t be applied too heavily (2”-3” is about right). Keep mulch away from tree trunks, and remember that wood chips will deplete soil nitrogen in decomposition, so it is necessary to add some extra nitrogen fertilizer to mulched areas to compensate (I still like to use Milorganite when it is available). One of the greatest benefits of mulch is that it helps keep mowers and string trimmers away from tender tree trunk bark. In my experience, more damage is done to home, street and park trees by "mower blight" than almost anything else.

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