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Sunday, December 7, 2008


Sunday, 8:45 AM. 4 degrees, wind E, calm at present. The skies are mostly overcast, and the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather.
Lucky and I went for a walk on the Sioux River beach yesterday late, there is a shelf of ice beginning to form along the shore, but nothing much. This is because of the almost constant wave and current action, and it will be four to six weeks yet I imagine before the bay and channel are frozen over.
The sky was wonderful, the snow clouds to the east (the direction the photos were taken) coming to life and color with the rays of the setting sun. When the sun sets low in the southwest the light radiates all over the other horizons, reflecting and re-reflecting, creating a kaleidoscope of colors, shapes and shadows.
On this anniversary of Pearl Harbor, let us honor the memory of all those who died that day while also realizing that with good will it is possible that enemies can become friends and allies, and that all things change with the passing of enough setting suns.

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