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Friday, December 19, 2008


Friday, 8:45 AM. 20 degrees, wind NE, variable. Lake effect snow is falling moderately, lake smoke and snow obscure the channel, and the barometer predicts snow. Lucky and I scraped some new snow off the driveway, and will repeat the procedure before we go to get the mail.
Last night was a shopping night in Bayfield, sponsored by the Chamber and its “Shop Locally First” campaign. Local support for retail businesses is essential, since our tourist season is only 90 days maximum, and expenses exist all year round. The business district is small, but what it lacks in size was made up last night in ambiance and hospitality. The new city street decorations are very nice, and the store fronts are all decorated and lit. It was a fine evening even if cold and blustery, and it was good to see folks walking the streets, shopping and socializing.

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