Monday, 8:00AM. 30 degrees, wind W, calm. The sky is overcast but it is no longer snowing and the barometer predicts fair weather. There is still snow on roofs and road edges and some lawns.
Except for walking with Lucky it was an indoor weekend. The late stream fishing season, by all reports, was going to end with a whimper anyway. Except for scattered success stories fishingdoes not seem to have been very good.
My reading goal for the past few days was to finish Glen Beck’s “Broke,” which traces the history of the national debt from its beginning through the present, the political responses to it, and judicial interpretation of the Constitution. Of course it is opinionated in its predictions and recommendations for the future, but it is very well researched and annotated, and is a pretty lively read, which I highly recommend to everyone questioning the debt, the devaluation of the dollar and the future of freedom and prosperity in our country.
The demolition of buildings and clearing and grading of land for the new casino in Red Cliff continues apace.
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