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Saturday, December 8, 2012


Saturday, 9:00 AM.  25 degrees F, wind W, calm to very light.  The sun rose an hour ago, a weak orange blob far down on the southeastern horizon, that then more or less disappeared as it ascended into the gloom.  At present the sky is a mottly amalgam of gray clouds suffused with small patches of blue. 
        Snow is predicted by late afternoon or evening, continuing into tomorrow, and there may be a considerable accumulation.  I have at least managed to round up most of the  leftover stuff of summer that got caught out in the first snow storm, and the rain barrels have been put under the porch.  We have to make a trip to the recycle center this morning and then I guess we are ready for it.   
         More about trumpeter swans:  reader Bev Volpone, of Monticello, Minnesota, reports that over 2,000 trumpeters winter annually near her home town, which is on the Mississippi River about half way between Minneapolis and St. Cloud.  Warm water discharged from a nuclear power plant keeps the river from freezing over at that point and the town  has a refuge, Swan Park, from which the birds can be viewed.  There are many interesting stories and facts about the swans and the folks who help shelter them.   Visit the City of Monticello swan web site, http//  A live web cam is in operation from mid December to March.  Bev and her husband sail out of Bayfield during the summer months. Joan, Buddy and I now have a new place to visit on the way to Colorado or Texas, or on a nice weekend getaway.
      Buddy may well get a cramp while trying to point 2,000 trumpeter swans through the window of the truck. What's a poor dog to do?

1 comment:

  1. You can joke, but don't underestimate! When I walked Atticus in the park at Niagara Falls, his eyes were as big as saucers and he wanted nothing more than to dive in! It was a short walk, for sure.
