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Monday, June 20, 2016


Monday, 8:15 AM.  68 degrees F at the ferry dock, 64 on the back porch.  Wind W, light to moderate with quite strong gusts.  The sky is clear with some haze, the humidity down to 61%, a great relief from the oppressiveness of yesterday.  The barometer is rising or steady, now at 29,92".  The week holds some chances of rain, but should be mostly warm, and drier.  This morning is gorgeous.
   Yesterday was extremely windy, with gusts up to 40 mph (my guess).  Boat traffic was nonexistent, and thunder rolled all evening, although there was little rain accompanying it.  It was just the kind of wind and weather to blow the pollen out of the ripe male (pollen) cones of the white pines (Pinus strobus), and whenever the wind blew with authority the golden pollen emanated from the pine trees in huge, dusty clouds.
   Looking down the street the view ahead could be clouded, as though in a mist.  Sitting on the back porch was akin to being in a desert sand storm, except the pollen was finer than any sand.  It settled on everything, and caused a lot of sneezing.  Buddy is coughing a lot and seems to be allergic to something, and pine pollen might be the culprit.
   Pine pollen evidently has many health benefits, and is used in Chinese traditional medicine, also as a food.   I have never eaten any but may give it a try and see whether I like it or not.
   The white pines shed their pollen in pretty much the same manner every year, but it is always amazing to see.  The male cones are located on the lower branches, so that the pollen rises on the wind gusts to fertilize the female cones at the top of the trees, from whence the ripe seeds can be easily disseminated by birds, squirrels and wind.  
   Nature covers all the bases, and leaves little  to chance.

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