Wednesday, 7;:30 AM. 55 degrees, wind WNW, light. The channel is lightly wrinkled, the sky is partly cloudy with high thin clouds. The barometer predicts clear weather, and it looks as though the rumor of rain was unfounded.
At first I thought I had found another species of Ozmorhiza, sweet cicely, but upon closer inspection, it is the same mentioned back on the 26th of June, now completely mature in flower (long-lasting, very pretty).
Lucky has overstepped his bounds. The Radke’s up the street reported that Lucky invited himself to their fish fry two nights ago, scratching on the kitchen door to take his place at the table. Thankfully they did not give in to his demands, as did Sherman a while back while cooking sausages on the grill.
I met a lady who works for the Park Service walking this morning, she picked up a black, spiny caterpillar which she thought to be a black swallow tail butterfly larvae. I am very ignorant of such things. Enough out there to keep one interested, as long as life lasts.
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