Wednesday, 7:00 AM. 56 degrees, wind WNW, moderate. The channel is crawling, the sky is clear except for some very high, thin white clouds. The barometer predicts sunny skies.
The evening primroses are in bloom, this one being Oenothera biennis, in the evening primrose family. Because they are self-pollinating, there are many geographical races in North America, difficult to identify and none but the specialist need try. This is a common species, found in waste places throughout much of the eastern half of North America. Evening primroses can be quite effective in the landscape, and they are popular in Great Britain where a number of horticultural varieties are planted. They are, as the species name indicates, biennials, flowering the second year. In Europe they have some culinary and medicinal uses.
Plants, like the prophets, are often not recognized in their own country.
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