Monday, 8:30 AM. 41 degrees, wind W, calm. The channel is calm, the sky overcast, and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies. There is another .2” of rain in the gage. It is a very quiet morning.
The Belanger Settlement Historical Society eleventh annual Fall Dinner was held in the Town of Bayfield Hall on Hwy J and was its usual community and culinary success, although the lousy weather may have dampened the crowd a bit. The menu was roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn, homemade rolls, and a luscious assortment of homemade pies. We never miss this hometown dinner.
The Frank Belanger Settlement is about ten miles west of Bayfield on Star Route, which is the backwoods road to Cornucopia. The Historical Society is located in the old church at the Settlement and has open hours in the summer. The Settlement is a Nineteenth Century offshoot of the Red Cliff Ojibwe Indian Reservation, and consists of perhaps a dozen homes or small farms and the old church. There is not much information on the web about it, so I won’t hazard passing on any misinformation. The Settlement folks also host a “pit stop” at the sled dog races out on Star Route. They are a very hospitable and community minded group of folks. And great cooks!
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