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Monday, June 7, 2010


Monday, 7:15 AM. 46 egrees, wind WNW, calm. The sky is cloudless and the barometer predicts sunny weather.
I have a “walk around” this morning on the WITC (Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College) Ashland campus with its landscape committee, the first step in designing a conceptual landscape master plan.
WITC is increasingly a “green” institution, with an emphasis on solar, wind and other environmentally sensitive technology. It has a commitment not only to provide leadership in course work in energy system technology, but also to have the campus reflect this emphasis in its appearance. Solar collectors, wind turbines and rain gardens will be a working part of the landscape.
Ordinarily I am wary of making political statements in landscapes, as historically they have often become outmoded , and can also appear contrived. I will keep this caution in mind as we proceed, and do the best I can to design a landscape that reflects the mission of the school, and also improves its general appearance.
A concern has been raised that the landscape should “look like a college campus,” as it now could be mistaken for an office or medical complex.
This project will be a welcome challenge, and I will post its progress along the way

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