Sunday, 9:30 AM. 66 degrees, wind W, light. The sky is partly cloudy, changed from overcast earlier. The barometer predicts fair weather.
Lucky and I went to the beach and found some interesting flowers blooming this morning.
Away from the beach along an old railroad right-of-way is a large patch of single petalled, fragrant wild roses, Rosa blanda, which is native to the shores of the Great Lakes.
The blue flag Iris, I. versacolor or perhaps I. shrevei, is blooming in the marsh back of the beach dune.
The meadow rue, Thalictrum dioica or T. venulosum, accompanies the Iris.
A very low, spreading blackberry, the northern dewberry, Rubus flagellaris (of which there are innumerable varieties) creeps along the beach dune.
I do not always have the time, patience (or perhaps skill) to identify a lot of the more obscure plants to their exact species or varieties, but I am usually in the ballpark. It is a cool, refreshing day and we will spend much of it outside.
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