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Friday, November 18, 2011



...YELLOW TRANSPARENTS                               



Friday, 7:00 AM.  26 degrees, wind WSW, calm.  The sky is partly cloudy and the barometer predicts precipitation.
    It was hard getting used to no dog in the house yesterday; no old guy underfoot, no saving dinner leftovers. The dog dishes have been washed and put away, an act of somber finality.
        Stubborn ancient apple trees along roadsides still tenaciously retain their fruit, like this yellow transparent on Old Hwy. K.  I fully expect to see a big buck standing on the road shoulder one day soon, reaching for an apple and it will be illegal to take a shot along the road,  all the more tempting since a change in the law now allows uncased (but unloaded) long guns to be carried in a moving vehicle in Wisconsin, and loaded guns in a stationary vehicle.  For as long as anyone can remember, it has ben illegal to have a rifle or shotgun uncased in a vehicle, and one fretted about a stuck zipper on a gun case, or about picking up a lost hunter on the road who carried a gun but no case.  Which poses the question; how many annoying rules and regulations are not really necessary today, and might be done away with tomorrow, in every aspect of our lives?  When one is constantly annoyed and badgered by trivia that can get one fined or put in jail, how truly free are we?
    There were mixed flocks of swans and geese on Chequamegon Bay in Ashland again yesterday, the immature swans looking very much like the gray geese at a distance.
    The wood-be artist has been busy stacking rock cairns in the Sioux River at Big Rock again.  I really detest people who insist on spoiling the natural beauty of a public place to satisfy their own artistic egos.  Almost as bad as graffiti on subway cars.
    I have had my trail camera set up at my deer stand and am frustrated because although it is obviously working the only legible photo it has taken is that of this gray old buck without any antlers. 
    During deer season, which starts in the snow and cold at first light tomorrow morning, I will post my daily experiences each night if I am not too tired and have anything worth reporting.  I have a lot of last minute things to do today, and I have no idea how successful the hunt will be, but out I will go.  My birthday was yesterday and I am feeling about as stubborn as that old yellow transparent apple tree out on Hwy K.

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