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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

11/29/11 MEET BUDDY



Tuesday, 7:30 AM.  27 degrees, wind NW, light.  The sky is clear except for some black clouds on the eastern horizon, which are clearing out.  The barometer is high, and it will be another cool but nice day.
    Buddy, an English Pointer (he looks pure-bed to me), has joined our family.  We picked him up at Catkins Animal Rescue in Fiefield yesterday and it looks like he will fit in nicely.  He seems to be a really good tempered dog, about two years old,mbut doesn’t have much in the way of language skills and has a bit of a stubborn streak but that’s O.K., it shows character.  He walks nicely on a lead and will easily be taught to heel.  He likes his crate and is sitting in it with the door open right now.  He slept in it from 10:00 PM until 6:00 AM without incident.  He needs to be taut sit, down and no, ASAP.  He has had all his shots and was wormed and tested negative for Lime’s disease and heart worm.  He is neutered (all the shelter animals have been and that’s a good policy).  He has an I.D. chip inserted between his shoulder blades.  The adoption fee was $200, and we were happy with that.
    He had evidently been lost or abandoned in the National Forest for some time and at 37 pounds he is still quite underweight, but we will take care of that. We need to get him some high protein dog food, a new collar and a couple of toys, he likes to play.  It will be some time before he will be bonded to us, so we can’t let him off a leash outside.  We named him Buddy because it sounds similar to Lucky and rolls off our tongues easily, and he knows his new name already.
    This is a new adventure for all of us but it has started out very well

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