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Monday, January 9, 2012


Monday, 8:00 AM.  36 degrees, wind S, very strong with gusts to probably 40 MPH.  The sky is mostly clear but the barometer predicts precipitation.
    The almost-full moon rising over Madeline Island last evening as viewed from the beach was gorgeous almost beyond belief, the moon a pale yellow and the sky and water silky pastels.  If the weather remains clear it will be that and better tonight, but I won’t be there to take a photo because I will be presenting a City of Bayfield Forestry annual report at that time to the Mayor and Common Council.  It is always difficult to present rather voluminous and often very technical information in about five minutes to people who are not that familiar with and maybe not very interested in the subject matter.  I feel for the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination as they try to stuff lengthy answers into three minutes or some other ridiculous time frame during the so-called debates.
     The “debates” are interesting and serve a vetting process, but cannot in reality fully define a candidate’s positions and abilities, and can seriously damage those candidates who are not glib speakers but may be highly qualified in other ways.  I hope every voter reaches beyond this and similar formats in making their choice, in primaries and in the final vote.. We should leave some room for intuition, and do some deeper study before spending the most valuable currency we have in our pocket, our vote.

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