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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Tuesday, 7:30 AM.  15 degrees, wind NE, moderate with strong gusts.  It snowed several inches last night and the sky is overcast and it looks like more.  Smooth ice under fluffy snow spells spills, and I took one and saw a few stars this morning. The barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
        Today’s blog is necessarily short as I chair a Zoning Appeals Board meeting first thing  this morning.  Ice fishermen and their shanties are appearing on the bay at Ashland, but I don’t see any pickup trucks out there yet.  There is still a lot of open water even off Ashland.
        I am sure it will not surprise you, but Joan and I are political junkies, and as such have been watching all the Republican presidential candidate debates, and politics is serving  as our winter sport.  We both agree that last night’s debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina was the best we have seen yet.  It is an interesting slate of candidates, and they were put to the test last night, with often contentious but relevant questions and interchanges.  We have not picked a favorite as yet but have ruled out a few.  We like Ron Paul’s domestic policies except for some of his libertarian ideas, and although his foreign policy has some merit we think it way too isolationist, so although we hope he will broker a lot of his better ideas into the Republican platform, we have ruled him out as our choice as a candidate.

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