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Thursday, January 12, 2012


Thursday, 9:00 AM.  17 degrees, wind variable, light.  Lake effect snow is falling and the channel and Madeline Island are completely obscured.  The barometer predicts partly cloudy skies but the falling snow seems pretty determined.
    Winter returned yesterday in the form of a mini-blizzard. We have several inches of icy, granular snow on the ground and the temperature has dropped a full twenty degrees or more from yesterday. Ought to satisfy some of the complainers.  Actually I have been worried that we may not have enough snow for the dog sled races, slated for early February. Minnesota’s Bear Grease race is also in danger of being canceled.
    I downloaded and printed the 44 page overview of the proposed new Wisconsin iron mining law, published by the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau, have read it and made margin notations.  I will write a short critique and post it, probably tomorrow.
    Commentary: Hostess Foods, the venerable company that produces old time favorite junk foods like Twinkies and Ding Dongs is declaring bankruptcy; who can forget writing that last minute term paper, fueled by caffeine and Twinkies?
         At first blush it would seem the company’s demise is caused by by today’s health conscious consumers aversion to fat and sugar, but the company blames union work rules for much of its financial problem.
        One particularly illogical union rule demands that bread and cake products be delivered in separate trucks, by different drivers.  One can imagine the plump union boss with the diamond pinkie ring saying about the fired workers, “Let them eat cake!” Or, perhaps, "Let them eat Twinkies!"

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