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Thursday, November 7, 2013



Thursday,  8:30 AM.  33 degrees F, wind W, calm at present.  The sky is overcast, the humidity is 78% and the barometer is trending up, at 30.16".  It looks like the weather will be unsettled.  The Farmers' Almanac predicts first wet, then cold weather the 8th through the 11th of November.
   I saw juncos in the herb garden for the first time yesterday.  They are ground feeders and eventually will appear under the feeders on the porch.  We saw about a dozen whistling, AKA tundra, swans on the Bay at Ashland yesterday.  They often fly right on over in their fall migration if they are riding a strong front.
   I was pleasantly surprised the other day when I picked up a fashion article in the dentists office, to find that I am once again ahead of the sartorial curve by wearing my " Canadian Tuxedo." I knew I was ahead of the fashion of the times sixty five years ago when the teacher at the parochial school I attended informed me that bluejeans weren't allowed.  I persisted, the school relented, and I became a leading fashionista.
  I have been wearing denim bluejeans pretty much every day since, except for various interludes when professional decorum made them unacceptable in the Board Room, where being a rebel was likely to result in a one-way ticket to Siberia.  Challenging a schoolteacher is one thing, dissing the Chairman of the Bored quite another.
   However, since learning that the Canadian Tuxedo is now the hottest thing on Fifth Avenue, I might just show up in my outfit if ever invited back to those hallowed chambers, although that is highly unlikely.
   So, just what is this Canadian Tuxedo?  Take a look; what you see is what you get.  For a long time now, it has been considered rather chick for the young studs to wear denim bluejeans with a sport coat, sans tie, but to wear jeans with a denim shirt or jacket , denim on denim, blue de pinto de blue, was definitely de'classé. That has never bothered me, and I have been déclassé for low these many, many years.  When I have at times presented myself to Joan as a precocious fashion plate, she has informed me I more likely resembled a soup plate.  Alas, all pioneers, especially those in the rarified arena of high fashion, have their jealous detractors.
   But here you see me, in all my sartorial splendor, once again on the leading edge, pushing the envelope, paving the way for the timid,  wearing my well worn but still good looking, democratic denim on denim Canadian Tuxedo.  But wait!  I protest!  I am an American!  I am not even especially fond of Canada and Canadians, who routinely diss us Yanks for all sorts of things uniquely American, like super sized meals and soft drinks, and Obamacare.  I don't know why they have not been cursed with the likes of  Barrack and Michelle, and Mayor Bloomberg, instead of us.
   So, as one of the unabashed pioneers of the genre, I hereby claim the denim on denim style as, what else, The American Tuxedo.  And Canada be denimed.

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