Wednesday, 7:30 AM. 53 degrees, wind SW, calm. The channel is glass, the sky hazy, we got a trace of rain last night and the barometer predicts more. It promises to be a real spring day.
Our new young coastguard neighbor, Zack, had a good day on the Sioux yesterday, losing several steelhead trout before he landed this keeper (minimum size 26”). It looks to me as though it is not a migratory rainbow trout from the lake, which are called steelheads because of their steel-like color and almost indiscernible rainbow coloration, but rather a fish (much darker coloration and distinct rainbow) that wintered in the river. In any case Zack was a happy guy, and his catching it was almost as much fun for me as it was for him. I am nursing a sore foot and can’t wade the stream for a few days, hope I don't miss the run completely.
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