Sunday, 7:00 AM. 40 degrees, wind WNW, calm. The channel is calm, the sky is mostly overcast and the barometer is down, predicting partly cloudy skies.
The daffodils are beginning to fade on sunny hillsides but hopefully most will last with the cooler weather until Friday’s Bayfield in Bloom kickoff. Many other garden flowers are now blooming; tulips, creeping phlox, violets. I mowed the lawn for the first time yesterday; I have been considering a new lawn mower but the old (read decrepit) mower fired up and did the job, and it may last another season. I am in kind of a quandary because I ran over my hand push mower with the truck last fall, and I had always used that as my main lawn mower, but time marches on and I may want to go to a power mower. I have been looking at electric mowers but they are pricey and the only American model, the Nueton, is not self-propelled, which I think I should get if I invest in a new mower. However, most of the gas-powered mowers that I have looked at are American made, which I find very encouraging. Things usually come full circle, and I expect to see a resurgence of American manufacturing, including automobiles and trucks, once the recession is over and we are more competitive again. We just have to keep our eye on the ball, like Roxy.
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