Saturday, 8:15 AM. 19.5 degrees, up from 14 earlier Except for some haze in the east, it is an exact repeat of yesterday morning. The barometer still predicts snow but I would guess maybe by Monday.
The big red wind sled, Ice Angle IV, is running the ice road now. It’s quite a machine, powered by two huge Chevrolet V8’s. When I first dated her, Joan had a red and white ’57 Chevy hard top. It’s a good thing she didn’t have one of these devil’s in it, as she got enough speeding tickets with the 283 cubic inch engine.
I've never been on a Windsled but I'm very entertained by the engines and setup. They have even done details on the engines that a car collector would do. Big exhaust headers and everything. They have to roar when operating. I don't think it's going to be thick enough this year to drive on? But I could be wrong? It was two feet thick last year.