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Sunday, August 2, 2015




   Sunday, 8:30 AM.  69 degrees F on the ferry dock, 65 on the back porch.  Wind S, light.  The sky is partly cloudy to overcast and the humidity is 80%.  The barometer is steady, at 29.61".  Scattered thunderstorms are predicted for this morning, and it indeed feels like rain.
   The common mullein, Verbascum thapsis, in the Figwort (Scrophulariaceae) Family, is a favorite of mine, even though it is a field weed of European origin. The latin name is said to be that used by the ancients for the plant.  The golden yellow flowers, borne on long spikes, are a dominant feature of  vacant fields and roadsides in summer. They have been blooming now for about two weeks and many have already set seeds, which the downy woodpeckers love. They do not seem to be as floriferous this year as last.   Mullein is also called flannel plant for its broad, downy leaves. In England it is called "candles", which the plants do indeed resemble (some varieties actually looking like elaborate candelabras). 
   There are about 360 species of the genus, which are biennials and perennials, and the common mullein has a number of selected varieties that have become popular horticultural plants, particularly in England.  Even the species, a farm field weed,  is striking if one or two are left to grow in the garden.  
   In medieval times mullein flower stalks were dipped in tallow and used as ceremonial candles for various occasions, and were also said to ward off witches and evil spirits. The French-Canadian common name, Tabac du diable, translates to "devil's tobacco," and the dried leaves, smoked like tobacco, are said to relieve asthma and tubercular cough.  The mulleins have a long history in folk and herbal medicine for the relief of various ailments, and oil of the mullein seeds is still used successfully for children's ear infections.  I always like to have a mullein plant growing somewhere in the garden, as the fuzzy leaves make an excellent poultice for cuts, bruises and minor infections, such as arise from splinters and thorns.

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