Solomon’s seal and Canada mayflower are about to bloom in the woods. I picked up a baldfaced hornet’s nest a couple of years ago and Joan has had it as decoration in the bedroom (after frost they are empty of live insects and none will hatch from it) and I have heard that wasps and hornets are very territorial and will stay away from the nests of others. I put it on the porch to hopefully discourage wasps and hornets from the area, but I don’t know if the territoriality is inter-specific. I will keep you posted.
I have a bit of household engineering info to pass on…I spent the better part of Saturday with my head under the sink and in the dishwasher, and can attest that olive pits (twenty one in this instance) will over time plug a dishwasher drain. Be careful, it’s a jungle out there!
Crabapple trees are in bloom throughout town, and in the orchards where they are used as pollinators, and their cheerful, colorful blooms really announce the beginning of summer for me.
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