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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 45 degrees, wind NE, calm to light, the channel is slightly crawling. The barometer is down, predicting partly cloudy weather. The skies are mostly overcast with high, thin clouds.
The Tree Board meeting went well. We were cleared by the Public Works guys to use an old jeep-mounted water tank that was once fire equipment. We watered all of the new trees in the City Marina Park, and will water all of our newly planted trees on a weekly basis if we do not get at least an inch of rain. This is a must for new trees at least for their first year.
We are trying to educate everyone not to mow our daffodils until about two weeks after they quit blooming and the leaves loosen from the bulb. If they are not given that much time to photosynthesize nutrition for the bulb they will weaken over time, stop blooming and eventually die. Too many people are caught up in the neatness of lawn mowing, anxious to have everything uniform all the time, and not willing to stop and think. So what else is new?
There are still trees and shrubs left to bloom. Viburnums and lilacs are blooming now, to be followed in a day or two by mountain ash and later tree lilacs and buckeyes. Some tulips are still blooming, and dwarf Iris and bleeding heart have begun. The primroses have been beautiful this year.
The poplars are shedding their fluffy seeds, which drift about like diminutive parachutes on the morning breeze.

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