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Monday, June 9, 2008


Monday, 8:00 AM. 47 degrees, wind SW, calm. The channel is crawling slightly, the barometer predicts rain and the sky is overcast. We had intermittent heavy rain last night and the rain barrels are full.
It is a noisy morning, as through traffic is being routed down Ninth Street, Hwy. 13 being closed to put a huge new culvert in from Seventh Street east across Sixth Street. There are also new culverts being installed across Eighth and Ninth Streets, a huge project. These culverts provide road crossings for one of the major ravines which dissect the town, and which naturally channel water from the bluffs to the lake. They provide a relevant lesson that just because something is natural it is not necessarily maintenance free. More at some other time.
Oregon Grape Holly, Mahonia aquifolia, is a shrub beautiful in flower, fruit, and summer and fall foliage. Its fragrant yellow flowers develop grape-like clusters of blue berries. I have seen masses of them growing in the Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Our climate is rather similar and has been particularly so this last winter and spring, and they grow well in Bayfield.
I don’t think my apple grafts took, I need a sharper knife and more patience.
I need to mow the lawn today, if it ever dries out, and then on to weeding the garden.

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