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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 52 degrees, wind NE, moderate. The channel is wrinkled. The barometer predicts sunny skies, which are a cloudless blue at present. The aspen leaves are flitering merrily in the breeze, and it is a “see forever” day.
Lucky and I hadn’t been to the beach in some weeks so we went this morning, I made a dozen casts in the Sioux mouth to see if a northern might be lurking there (nope). It is always amazing how the beach and dunes and sand bars change with the storms.
The sand cherry, Prunus pumila ( I believe that is what this small shrub in the cherry family is) is in bloom, and when it bears fruit we will look at it again. It is quite pretty in flower, and does its job of holding down the sand well.
The back porch is now a wonderful place to sit and eat or just relax, the lilacs providing an unbelievable fragrance. Family (lots) will begin arriving in about a week, so there is much work to do.

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