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Monday, September 1, 2008


Monday, Labor Day, 8:15 AM. 62 degrees, wind SSW, calm. The channel is wrinkled. Te sky is blue and hazy with a few thin white clouds. The barometer predicts rain, the advance notice of the landfall of hurricane Gustave, almost 1500 miles to the south.
We had a bit of excitement last night around 9:00 PM. Neighbor Sherman shouted from across the street “Ode…Hey, Ode...” and I could tell from the sound of their little Harrier (looks like a somewhat bigger version of a Beagle) Pebbles that she had a bear treed. I grabbed the camera and scooted out the back door into the dark. Joan wouldn’t let Lucky come along so he missed all the fun. Sure enough, Pebbles had a young bear (bigger than a cub, about 100 pounds, a yearling) up in a poplar tree in their back yard. He just sat there impassively looking at all the noisy creatures unable to climb trees. I took a few flash pictures but only one turned out, and that very poorly, only showing a black blob in the crotch of the tree.
Pebbles would look at the bear, and satisfied it was properly treed, she would go howling of into the woods and we would hear some crashing about, so maybe mama bear was out there keeping an eye on things, although yearlings are usually on their own. None-the-less, we stayed close to the open back door to the garage, just in case she decided enough was enough.
The American chestnut up the street has borne fruit and when it is ripe I will ask for some to propagate.
This evening is the fish boil out at Andy and Judy’s. We picked up the fish at Halvorson’s fishery in Cornucopia on Saturday, but they wouldn’t leave the heads on so Andy will be disappointed, as he insists that the fish should be boiled whole. I am just as happy the heads are off. There will be eight of us old fogies, and we will have a good time. Who says you need to be young to have fun?

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