Friday, 7:45 AM, 46 degrees, wind W and changeable, light. The channel is dimpled. The sky is mostly clear, with big storm clouds in the east. The barometer predicts rain.
The Chamber of Commerce farewell party for Curt and Ruth Johnson was well attended by members, friends and neighbors. Curt is an ordained Lutheran minister and members of various churches he has served were also there.
The Johnsons have been entrepreneurs as well as people of faith and charity, growing flower and vegetables at their Good Earth Gardens. Ruth is a talented flower arranger, and Curt an equally talented agriculturist. They have lived an active life, living and serving the church and the military all over the country, including serving an Inuit community in Alaska for a number of years. The established Kinship, a Midwest nonprofit that arranges mentoring for young people. They are the very embodiment of faith in action, and we all know that wherever their lives lead them, they will continue to serve, perhaps in ways not yet revealed to them.
The party was held at beautiful Blue Vista Farm, a premier orchard and berry farm with a great view of the Bay and a wonderful old red barn which now serves as their store. Eric Carlson and Ellen Kwiatkowski are young folks working hard to make their living from the land, and their apples, raspberries and blueberries rank with the most delicious anywhere. We thank them for their service to the community and for hosting the Johnson’s farewell party.
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