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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Tuesday, 7:30 AM. 57 degrees, wind S, calm. The channel is calm. The sky is overcast and looks like rain, but the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather. I think it will rain.
There are a lot of [people taking the BART bus these days (Bay Area Regional Transit) which has a route from Red Cliff through Bayfield and Washburn and on to Ashland to Odanah, a few miles to the west on Hwy 2. Students, shoppers and working folks are finding it a great alternative to the car and high gas prices.
Fall colors need successive nights of near freezing temperatures and warm days to be at their peak, and we have not experienced this as yet. Precursors abound, however, a tree here or a branch there in color, but more likely a leaf which appears to have had a paint brush drawn across it. The third year needles of the white pines are beginning to turn golden yellow and soon the trees will be all gold and green, and then the old needles will fall and blanket the ground. Gold may be worth $1,000 an ounce, but the gold beneath the pines is priceless.

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