The garden, which I have despaired of all summer, is really quite nice in an unkempt fashion: purple cone flower, yellow yarrow, red sedum, pink and red phlox, purple Joe Pye weed, white Hydrangea and multi-colored hollyhocks are blooming profusely as are all the bargain basement roses, and the New England asters are ready to pop.
The pine, sumac and Juneberry all need pruning to allow more light, the weeds need to be pulled and the Iris divided, but looking past all that, the garden is more than O.K.
Tonight is the Chamber’s going-away party for Ruth and Curt Johnson, who have sold Good Earth Gardens out on Hwy. J and are moving to a retirement community in Minnesota. We are happy for them, as it is what they feel they must do, but we will miss our friends greatly.
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