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Thursday, October 16, 2008


Thursday, 1:30 PM. 42 degrees, wind W, moderate. The sky is overcast. The barometer predicts sunny skies.
No deer were moving this morning, and there was very little wildlife activity of any kind. I heard a few very distant shots early. Came home for lunch and a little nap, and am heading out again shortly. There was a full moon last night and it was light enough to walk easily down to my deer stand behind the apple orchards long before first light.
Kenny Dobbs, owner of the Blackhawk Marina, has done a great job of creating something of an outdoor fishing boat museum and some very pretty gardens. He deserves an award of some kind or other for his efforts. The boat pictured is being restored at the behest of Mary Rice, who I am told has fond memories of the boat plying the waters near Sand Island when she was a little girl. Kudos to Ken and Mary both.

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