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Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sunday, 8:15 AM. 33 degrees, wind W, very light. The channel is wrinkled, the sky overcast and it is raining. The barometer predicts partly cloudy skies. So far, no snow.
Last night’s farewell dinner at the Lutheran Church for Ruth was well attended by Conservancy Board members and spouses, with a number of kids there as well, including Ruth’s two growing boys. The potluck food was delicious and many little mementos and gag gifts were given.
One way to spot non-native plants in the landscape at this time of year is to look for deciduous trees and shrubs which are still green (not always indicative, but pretty nearly so). Note the large mass of common lilacs (European), the very invasive buckthorns (two European species but treated together for this purpose) and the easily escaping Asiatic Multiflora rose with its large red fruits. Apples are also Asiatic in origin and the leaves of most remain green at this time.

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