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Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Tuesday, 7:45 AM. 22 degrees, wind W, light. The channel is dimpled, the sky is partly overcast and the barometer predicts partly sunny weather.
The red oak, Quercus rubra, pictured is across the street from our house. It has had bright red to blood red color every fall. If that continues for a few more years I think it would be worth propagating as “the Bayfield oak,” I already have my eye on a candidate for “the Bayfield hawthorn,” and would like to find a “Bayfield maple” and a “Bayfield apple” as signature trees for the community. Red oak is one of the dominant trees of our region, well adapted to the sandy soils and cold climate.
I have an early chamber committee meeting and then a trip to Ashland, and don’t know what else the day may hold.

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