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Monday, October 20, 2008


Monday, 7:5 AM. 37 degrees, wind W, moderate. The channel is crawling, the sky mostly clear and the barometer predicts fair weather.
The early gun deer season ended for me not with a bang, but sort of a whimper. I went to the Larsen’s camp late Sunday afternoon, quietly walked and sat until 5:00 PM, then gave it up in some disgust, walked back to the truck and packed up.
As I was driving out to the main road, I glanced down a recently cut over stretch under the telephone line going to the Larsen’s barn, and there stood a doe, looking right at the truck. I stopped, got my gear on, loaded the rifle and by that time it had jumped back into the thick cover. I walked to where I thought it disappeared and waited, in an awkward stance, for over an hour until it was almost dark, but it never reappeared.
Prey animals react, predator animals (including man) are required by evolution to out-think their prey. I did not, for I should have remembered I had seen that deer in that location at that time before. I should have walked to that spot and checked it out before packing up. I would have fifty pounds of prime venison in the freezer.
It’s going to be a pretty day even though a lot of leaves are down. Lots to do after four days a-field.

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