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Thursday, November 13, 2008


Thursday, 8:00 AM. 37 degrees, wind S, light with gusts. The channel looks rough. The sky is overcast and it has been raining, and is still drizzling. The barometer predicts more rain.
A few degrees colder over the past few days and we would have plenty of snow. Ironwood MI, 40 miles straight east across Chequamegon Bay, already has over a foot. It would be good to see the sun, likewise the full moon at night.
The whistling swans, along with a lot of geese and ducks, left the bay down by Ashland, I guess flying out on the last front. I assume more will come in, perhaps riding this front.
This is the time when plants with persistent fruits are very obvious. The one pictured is a European spindle tree, Euonymus europeaus, in Fountain Garden Park just below our house. The photo was taken last week on a sunny day. Its red and pink fruits are spectacular, and I am often asked about it. I don’t recommend planting it though, because it tends to be quite invasive, as are many heavy-fruiting plants. Pretty, though.

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