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Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tuesday, 8:30 AM. 19 degrees, wind WNW, calm. The sun rose gloriously, but has since clouded over again. The sky is still mostly cloudy, although the barometer predicts sun. I checked my deer stands out in back of the orchard country yesterday late and there has been deer activity around them, apples and pears disappearing quickly. Lucky scared up a deer which went bounding off, so he won’t go along out there again, don’t want to spook them. I have several other stands to check on today out west of the Rez. Maybe we can find a grouse in the process.
The grass pictured is fountain grass, a very decorative non-native ornamental. In my opinion it should only be used with care and where it can be controlled, as it can escape into the wild. A good substitute for it is the native big bluestem grass, Andropogon gerardii, not quite as showy in flower and seed but beautiful in color of foliage, turning deep auburn in fall and winter.
I had a large slice of left over strawberry-rhubarb birthday pie for breakfast so am a happy camper. It would have been a shame to leave it get stale.

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