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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Wednesday, 8:15 AM. 30 degrees, wind W, calm at the moment. The sky is overcast with sullen clouds and the barometer predicts precipitation.
This morning’s walk was quiet, as evidenced by the crows on the wire in the photo…one can seldom get so close to crows, but they just sat there, looking like the three witches of Macbeth; and I wonder what mischief those two were plotting?
I met Eric loading up his ATV on his pickup to go to tend his deer stand out in the boondocks west of town. He hunts way back in, accessible only by ATV (one might conceivably walk in, but would never get a dead deer out). I don’t have that many wheels, so need to hunt more accessible terrain.
The chamber had its annual meeting and dinner last night, very well attended and the food, catered by the Washburn IGA, was delicious. A number of deserving awards were given for community service. I am amazed at the number of new small businesses which have been established in the last few years, mainly by young folks determined to lead a more satisfying and independent existence. The spirit of entrepreneurship is far from dead!
I’m hauling firewood and stacking it in the shed today, hopefully before it snows.

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